tesla_model_s_2016-wide.jpgCourtesy : HD Wallpapers

Now we all love the idea of an electric car , I mean its non-polluting , quite and comfortable . Nothing wrong with it . . .  isn’t it ? Or is there ? The idea of electric cars have been around for decades but still 90 % of the people on earth still stick to petrol or diesel powered cars . But we do know that there would be a time when all the oil reserves will go dry and we would have to stop driving them . Now with the coming of cars like the Tesla Model S or the Nissan Leaf , why are still people refraining to buy an electric car ?

One of the main reason is because they are still not practical enough , electric cars have a very limited range and even after the battery goes flat it take hours to charge up . Now yes some of you might be thinking – “Hey , Tesla has this thing called “Supercharging stations” which can recharge the car in 30 minutes”. Yes that is true but think about how many of them have been set up . If you take the case of a petrol car , gas stations are found literally everywhere but charging ports are not. Another problem with electric cars is that they are not so cheap comparing with an equivalent gas powered car . Now consider a Tesla Model S (Great Car !) which costs $71000 which is almost $10000 more than what you pay for a BMW M4 which is faster and has more power. Now if you ask an eco friendly person about electric cars , he might tell you that electric car are very cheap to maintain because it has only one moving part. This is true but the battery that powers an electric car is the same battery that is used in your laptop . So consider how long your laptop battery lasts before you have to replace it again . This is the same case with electric cars . Most electric car battery lasts about 5 years after which you do have to replace it which might be an expensive solution.

Now its not that gas powered cars are perfect in all cases – they are not ! But when you consider the pros and cons of using both electric and gas powered cars , gas powered cars still hold a head start. But yes , this gap have been reducing tremendously in recent past . The reason why I still love a gas powered car is because it gives us a sense of freedom that electric cars do not . You drive a car – you refill – and you drive some more -that is the freedom that a petrol powered car gives us  , but replacing that with something that goes a 100 yards and the takes 12 hours to charge up would actually mean we are going backwards in development . So when people say that electric cars are like laptops , its one of those early day laptops . Companies like Tesla are definitely on the right track , no doubt about that- but they are not just there yet. I truly believe there would be a day when electric car will dominate the planet and gas powered cars would become a thing of the past .


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